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The Table Retreats
What We Do

From dining tables to foosball tables, coffee tables to pool tables, we gather around tables to make connections and have conversations. Tables and meals are essential throughout the Scriptures. At the beginning, we see a stolen meal; at the end, we celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb. In between, we see all kinds of meals at the center of what God is doing: restoring lives and the world he loves. The Lord's Table is the central act of worship Jesus gave us, a place of communion between God and us.


We take part in this rich tradition of holy and healing meals, providing great food and even better conversations among ministry couples. These table interactions foster laughter and tears as they create friendships among couples who so often feel alone in their ministry settings.


Our focus is on supporting couples not on brainstorming ministry ideas. While our retreats are therapeutic, they are not therapy. There is no healthy ministry without healthy ministers. And we believe table time is central to a healthy wholeness.


The $500 cost per couple is less than 1/2 of the actual cost, with generous donations covering the rest of our expenses. If you would like to donate toward expenses or for scholarships, click the button above. 

Our Beautiful Setting


"As someone who generally doesn't like to open up, the Table Retreats created a safe place to be vulnerable and open. It was very restorative experience."

Michael Combs

What a Retreat Looks Like

A typical retreat begins on Thursday afternoon as a handful of ministry couples arrive at our site. Each settles in to their suite, a well-appointed room with its own full bathroom. Then comes the first of eight meals, a delicious family-style dinner (please let us know if you have any food-related concerns), during which each person shares a word that describes the past year and why it was chosen. This launches the sharing and camaraderie which will be the backbone of the rest of the time together.


The program that follows from there is intentionally light, with a handful of interactive group sessions. There is content and purpose to it, but the goal here isn't to learn new ideas. The goal is to have meaningful conversations among trustworthy friends that will provide the hope and healing needed to continue participating with our Lord in his work in the world.


We build in time for conversations with other couples and also for each couple to have their own conversations in a leisurely setting. If that means walks in the woods and along the river or simply piecing a puzzle together in the living room, we believe the Spirit will accomplish what needs to be accomplished by his powerful presence and your openness.

The Table Retreats Team

Two couples with a long friendship and history in ministry are the core of The Table Retreats. Both couples have experienced the challenges ministry places on marriage and have a passion for encouraging and supporting pastors, missionaries, and other Christian leaders. All four studied together at Regent College (Vancouver, B.C.) receiving various Masters degrees, raising children, and cheering each other on as the years have passed. 

Supporting Ministry Teams & Covenant Groups

Upcoming Events

  • Ministry couples retreat
    Ministry couples retreat
    Thu, Mar 27
    This retreat is open to all couples in ministry, including ministry couples serving in the ECO denomination.
  • Bridgetown Couples Leadership Retreat - Justice and Mercy Ministries
    Bridgetown Couples Leadership Retreat - Justice and Mercy Ministries
    Thu, Apr 10
    This retreat is primarily reserved for couples serving in justice and mercy ministries and connected to Bridgetown Church. (Couples from other churches focused on similar work are also encouraged to attend. If you are unsure, please contact us directly to inquire about space)


Brochures & other handouts


This simple, two-sided brochure concisely describes who we are, what we do, how much a retreat costs, and other key info. Perfect for sharing with your elders or covenant group when seeking their blessing on booking a retreat with us.


It can be awkward to ask the leaders of your congregation to give you extra time off for a getaway with your spouse — and to pay for it! So we have written a letter that you can share with your church's leadership where we make that appeal for you.

Want to see a sample schedule for one of our weekends? Most weekends follow the same basic format in the download to the right.



Please email:

17062 Cooper Dr., Bend, OR 97707

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